Review Policy
I'm happy to provide my insights on a product provided to me for this purpose. However, I have a strict Review Policy that I follow for this.
- I combine my insights with High-Quality Photography to highlight your product to the best of my ability.
- I provide my Thoughts and Pros/Cons on the item or game. However, I do not rate (x out of 10) the product as I do for products acquired by myself. I'm convinced nobody can objectively rate a product that was given to them for free.
- Items provided for review/feature purposes will be clearly marked as such using an info box like below:
This game has been kindly gifted to me for review purposes by XXXX. Read more on my review policy here: Review Policy
For any questions regarding this policy or if you want to contact me to potentially review your product. Please shoot me an email at
I've had the honor of working with some very interesting partners in the past. I'm forever grateful that they trust and appreciate my work.